本文借鉴并修改自 Windows下使用hugo和Github Pages配置博客
1 下载安装hugo
访问最新版本页面下载,推荐使用 Hugo extended
通过上述操作安装 hugo 程序后,就可以通过 hugo new site
命令进行网站创建、配置与本地调试了。 选择一个本地文件夹作为根目录,右键——Git Bash Here
1hugo new site <site-name>
注:后续命令未经说明,均在 Git Bash 中的 E:\Workspace\blog
2.1 安装
初始化你的项目目录为一个空的 Git 存储库,将主题克隆到 themes
目录中,将其作为 [Git 子模块][git-submodule] 添加到您的项目中。
1git init
2git submodule add https://github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt.git themes/FixIt
2.2 基础配置
。 其中,baseURL
1# =====================================================================================
2# It's recommended to use Alternate Theme Config to configure FixIt
3# Modifying this file may result in merge conflict
4# =====================================================================================
6# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7# Hugo Configuration
8# See: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/
9# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11# 网站标题
12title = "云吱的小站"
13# Hostname (and path) to the root
14baseURL = "https://haoyep.com/"
15# baseURL = "https://leegical.github.io/"
16# 更改使用 Hugo 构建网站时使用的默认主题
17theme = ["FixIt"]
18# determines default content language ["en", "zh-cn", "fr", "pl", ...]
19defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
20# 网站语言, 仅在这里 CN 大写 ["en", "zh-CN", "fr", "pl", ...]
21languageCode = "zh-CN"
22# 语言名称 ["English", "简体中文", "Français", "Polski", ...]
23languageName = "简体中文"
24# 是否包括中日韩文字
25hasCJKLanguage = true
26# default amount of posts in each pages
27paginate = 12
28# copyright description used only for seo schema
29copyright = ""
30# whether to use robots.txt
31enableRobotsTXT = true
32# whether to use git commit log
33enableGitInfo = true
34# whether to use emoji code
35enableEmoji = true
37# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38# Menu Configuration
39# See: https://fixit.lruihao.cn/documentation/basics/#menu-configuration
40# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 [[menu.main]]
44 identifier = "posts"
45 # you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
46 pre = ""
47 # you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
48 post = ""
49 name = "文章"
50 url = "/posts/"
51 # title will be shown when you hover on this menu link
52 title = ""
53 weight = 1
54 # FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW add user-defined content to menu items
55 [menu.main.params]
56 # add css class to a specific menu item
57 class = ""
58 # whether set as a draft menu item whose function is similar to a draft post/page
59 draft = false
60 # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW add fontawesome icon to a specific menu item
61 icon = "fa-solid fa-archive"
62 # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW set menu item type, optional values: ["mobile", "desktop"]
63 type = ""
64 [[menu.main]]
65 identifier = "categories"
66 pre = ""
67 post = ""
68 name = "分类"
69 url = "/categories/"
70 title = ""
71 weight = 2
72 [menu.main.params]
73 icon = "fa-solid fa-th"
74 [[menu.main]]
75 identifier = "tags"
76 pre = ""
77 post = ""
78 name = "标签"
79 url = "/tags/"
80 title = ""
81 weight = 3
82 [menu.main.params]
83 icon = "fa-solid fa-tags"
85# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86# Theme Core Configuration
87# See: https://fixit.lruihao.cn/documentation/basics/#theme-configuration
88# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 # FixIt 0.2.15 | CHANGED FixIt theme version
92 version = "0.2.X" # e.g. "0.2.X", "0.2.15", "v0.2.15" etc.
93 # 网站描述
94 description = ""
95 # 网站关键词
96 keywords = ["程序员"]
97 # 网站默认主题样式 ["light", "dark", "auto"]
98 defaultTheme = "auto"
99 # 公共 git 仓库路径,仅在 enableGitInfo 设为 true 时有效
100 gitRepo = ""
101 # 哪种哈希函数用来 SRI, 为空时表示不使用 SRI
102 # ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5"]
103 fingerprint = "sha256"
104 # 日期格式
105 dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
106 # 网站图片,用于 Open Graph 和 Twitter Cards
107 images = ["/logo.png"]
108 # 开启 PWA 支持
109 enablePWA = true
110 # 是否自动显示外链图标
111 externalIcon = false
112 # 默认情况下,FixIt 只会在主页的 HTML 头中注入主题元标记
113 # 您可以将其关闭,但如果您不这样做,我们将不胜感激,因为这是观察 FixIt 受欢迎程度上升的好方法
114 disableThemeInject = false
116 # 作者配置
117 [params.author]
118 name = ""
119 email = ""
120 link = ""
121 avatar = ""
123 # 应用图标配置
124 [params.app]
125 # 当添加到 iOS 主屏幕或者 Android 启动器时的标题,覆盖默认标题
126 title = "云吱的小站"
127 # 是否隐藏网站图标资源链接
128 noFavicon = false
129 # 更现代的 SVG 网站图标,可替代旧的 .png 和 .ico 文件
130 svgFavicon = "/favicon.svg"
131 # Safari 图标颜色
132 iconColor = "#5bbad5"
133 # Windows v8-10 磁贴颜色
134 tileColor = "#da532c"
135 # Android 浏览器主题色
136 [params.app.themeColor]
137 light = "#f8f8f8"
138 dark = "#252627"
140 # 搜索配置
141 [params.search]
142 enable = true
143 # 搜索引擎的类型 ["lunr", "algolia", "fuse"]
144 type = "lunr"
145 # 文章内容最长索引长度
146 contentLength = 4000
147 # 搜索框的占位提示语
148 placeholder = ""
149 # 最大结果数目
150 maxResultLength = 10
151 # 结果内容片段长度
152 snippetLength = 50
153 # 搜索结果中高亮部分的 HTML 标签
154 highlightTag = "em"
155 # 是否在搜索索引中使用基于 baseURL 的绝对路径
156 absoluteURL = false
157 [params.search.algolia]
158 index = ""
159 appID = ""
160 searchKey = ""
161 [params.search.fuse]
162 # https://fusejs.io/api/options.html
163 isCaseSensitive = false
164 minMatchCharLength = 2
165 findAllMatches = false
166 location = 0
167 threshold = 0.3
168 distance = 100
169 ignoreLocation = false
170 useExtendedSearch = false
171 ignoreFieldNorm = false
173 # 页面头部导航栏配置
174 [params.header]
175 # 桌面端导航栏模式 ["sticky", "normal", "auto"]
176 desktopMode = "sticky"
177 # 移动端导航栏模式 ["sticky", "normal", "auto"]
178 mobileMode = "auto"
179 # 页面头部导航栏标题配置
180 [params.header.title]
181 # LOGO 的 URL
182 logo = "/logo.png"
183 # 标题名称
184 name = "云吱的小站"
185 # 你可以在名称(允许 HTML 格式)之前添加其他信息,例如图标
186 pre = ""
187 # 你可以在名称(允许 HTML 格式)之后添加其他信息,例如图标
188 post = ""
189 # 是否为标题显示打字机动画
190 typeit = false
191 # 页面头部导航栏副标题配置
192 [params.header.subtitle]
193 # 副标题名称
194 name = ""
195 # 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
196 typeit = false
198 # FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW Breadcrumb config
199 [params.breadcrumb]
200 enable = false
201 sticky = false
202 showHome = false
204 # 页面底部信息配置
205 [params.footer]
206 enable = true
207 # 自定义内容(支持 HTML 格式)
208 # 进阶使用,见参数 `params.customFilePath.footer`
209 custom = ""
210 # 是否显示 Hugo 和主题信息
211 hugo = false
212 # 是否显示版权信息
213 copyright = true
214 # 是否显示作者
215 author = true
216 # 网站创立年份
217 since = 2019
218 # 是否显示网站内容总字数
219 wordCount = true
220 # 公网安备信息,仅在中国使用(支持 HTML 格式)
221 gov = ""
222 # ICP 备案信息,仅在中国使用(支持 HTML 格式)
223 icp = ""
224 # 许可协议信息(支持 HTML 格式)
225 license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'
226 # 网站创立时间
227 [params.footer.siteTime]
228 enable = true
229 animate = true
230 icon = "fa-solid fa-heartbeat"
231 pre = ""
232 value = "2018-02-06T11:15:22+08:00" # e.g. "2021-12-18T16:15:22+08:00"
233 # 页面底部行排序,可选值:["first", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "last"]
234 [params.footer.order]
235 powered = 0
236 copyright = 0
237 statistics = 0
238 visitor = 0
239 beian = 0
241 # Section(所有文章)页面配置
242 [params.section]
243 # section 页面每页显示文章数量
244 paginate = 20
245 # 日期格式(月和日)
246 dateFormat = "01-02"
247 # RSS 文章数目
248 rss = 10
249 # 最近更新文章设置
250 [params.section.recentlyUpdated]
251 enable = true
252 rss = true
253 days = 30
254 maxCount = 10
256 # List(目录或标签)页面配置
257 [params.list]
258 # list 页面每页显示文章数量
259 paginate = 20
260 # 日期格式(月和日)
261 dateFormat = "01-02"
262 # RSS 文章数目
263 rss = 10
265 # 标签云配置
266 [params.tagcloud]
267 enable = false
268 min = 14 # 最小字体大小,单位:px
269 max = 32 # 最大字体大小,单位:px
270 peakCount = 10 # 每个标签的最大文章数
271 orderby = "name" # 标签排序方式,可选值:["name", "count"]
273 # 主页配置
274 [params.home]
275 # RSS 文章数目
276 rss = 10
277 # 主页个人信息
278 [params.home.profile]
279 enable = true
280 # Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
281 gravatarEmail = ""
282 # 主页显示头像的 URL
283 avatarURL = "/avatar.jpg"
284 # 头像菜单链接的 identifier
285 avatarMenu = ""
286 # 主页显示的网站标题(支持 HTML 格式)
287 title = "云吱的小站"
288 # 主页显示的网站副标题
289 subtitle = "色相事一刹那,光阴里无尽藏"
290 # 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
291 typeit = true
292 # 是否显示社交账号
293 social = true
294 # 免责声明(支持 HTML 格式)
295 disclaimer = ""
296 # 主页文章列表
297 [params.home.posts]
298 enable = true
299 # 主页每页显示文章数量
300 paginate = 10
302 # FixIt 0.2.16 | CHANGED Social config about the author
303 [params.social]
304 GitHub = ""
305 Linkedin = ""
306 Twitter = ""
307 Instagram = ""
308 Facebook = ""
309 Telegram = ""
310 Medium = ""
311 Gitlab = ""
312 Youtubelegacy = ""
313 Youtubecustom = ""
314 Youtubechannel = ""
315 Tumblr = ""
316 Quora = ""
317 Keybase = ""
318 Pinterest = ""
319 Reddit = ""
320 Codepen = ""
321 FreeCodeCamp = ""
322 Bitbucket = ""
323 Stackoverflow = ""
324 Weibo = ""
325 Odnoklassniki = ""
326 VK = ""
327 Flickr = ""
328 Xing = ""
329 Snapchat = ""
330 Soundcloud = ""
331 Spotify = ""
332 Bandcamp = ""
333 Paypal = ""
334 Fivehundredpx = ""
335 Mix = ""
336 Goodreads = ""
337 Lastfm = ""
338 Foursquare = ""
339 Hackernews = ""
340 Kickstarter = ""
341 Patreon = ""
342 Steam = ""
343 Twitch = ""
344 Strava = ""
345 Skype = ""
346 Whatsapp = ""
347 Zhihu = ""
348 Douban = ""
349 Angellist = ""
350 Slidershare = ""
351 Jsfiddle = ""
352 Deviantart = ""
353 Behance = ""
354 Dribbble = ""
355 Wordpress = ""
356 Vine = ""
357 Googlescholar = ""
358 Researchgate = ""
359 Mastodon = ""
360 Thingiverse = ""
361 Devto = ""
362 Gitea = ""
363 XMPP = ""
364 Matrix = ""
365 Bilibili = ""
366 ORCID = ""
367 Liberapay = ""
368 Ko-Fi = ""
369 BuyMeaCoffee = ""
370 Linktree = ""
371 QQ = ""
372 QQGroup = "" # https://qun.qq.com/join.html
373 Diaspora = ""
374 CSDN = ""
375 Discord = ""
376 DiscordInvite = ""
377 Lichess = ""
378 Pleroma = ""
379 Kaggle = ""
380 MediaWiki= ""
381 Plume = ""
382 HackTheBox = ""
383 RootMe = ""
384 Feishu = ""
385 TryHackMe = ""
386 Douyin = ""
387 TikTok = ""
388 Phone = ""
389 Email = ""
390 RSS = true
392 # 文章页面配置
393 [params.page]
394 # 是否启用文章作者头像
395 authorAvatar = true
396 # 是否在主页隐藏一篇文章
397 hiddenFromHomePage = false
398 # 是否在搜索结果中隐藏一篇文章
399 hiddenFromSearch = false
400 # 是否使用 twemoji
401 twemoji = false
402 # 是否使用 lightgallery
403 # 如果设为 "force",文章中的图片将强制按照画廊形式呈现
404 lightgallery = true
405 # 是否使用 ruby 扩展语法
406 ruby = true
407 # 是否使用 fraction 扩展语法
408 fraction = true
409 # 是否使用 fontawesome 扩展语法
410 fontawesome = true
411 # 许可协议信息(支持 HTML 格式)
412 license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'
413 # 是否在文章页面显示原始 Markdown 文档链接
414 linkToMarkdown = true
415 # 是否在 RSS 中显示全文内容
416 rssFullText = false
417 # 页面样式 ["narrow", "normal", "wide", ...]
418 pageStyle = "normal"
419 # 强制使用 Gravatar 作为作者头像
420 # gravatarForce = true
421 # 开启自动书签支持
422 # 如果为 true,则在关闭页面时保存阅读进度
423 autoBookmark = true
424 # 是否使用 字数统计
425 wordCount = true
426 # 是否使用 预计阅读
427 readingTime = true
428 # 文章结束标志
429 endFlag = ""
430 # 是否开启即时页面
431 instantPage = false
432 # FixIt 0.3.0 | 是否在侧边栏开启合集
433 collectionList = true
434 # FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to enable collection navigation at the end of the post
435 collectionNavigation = false
437 # FixIt 0.2.15 | 转载配置
438 [params.page.repost]
439 enable = false
440 url = ""
441 # 目录配置
442 [params.page.toc]
443 # 是否使用目录
444 enable = true
445 # 是否保持使用文章前面的静态目录
446 keepStatic = false
447 # 是否使侧边目录自动折叠展开
448 auto = false
449 # 目录位置 ["left", "right"]
450 position = "right"
451 # 在文章开头显示提示信息,提醒读者文章内容可能过时
452 [params.page.expirationReminder]
453 enable = true
454 # 如果文章最后更新于这天数之前,显示提醒
455 reminder = 90
456 # 如果文章最后更新于这天数之前,显示警告
457 warning = 180
458 # 如果文章到期是否关闭评论
459 closeComment = false
460 # FixIt 0.2.16 | 数学公式 CHANGED KaTeX mathematical formulas (https://katex.org)
461 [params.page.math]
462 enable = true
463 # 默认行内定界符是 $ ... $ 和 \( ... \)
464 inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
465 inlineRightDelimiter = ""
466 # 默认块定界符是 $$ ... $$, \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} 和一些其它的函数
467 blockLeftDelimiter = ""
468 blockRightDelimiter = ""
469 # KaTeX 插件 copy_tex
470 copyTex = true
471 # KaTeX 插件 mhchem
472 mhchem = true
473 # 代码配置
474 [params.page.code]
475 # 是否显示代码块的复制按钮
476 copy = true
477 # 是否显示代码块的编辑按钮
478 edit = true
479 # 默认展开显示的代码行数
480 maxShownLines = 10
481 # FixIt 0.2.14 | 文章编辑
482 [params.page.edit]
483 enable = false
484 # FixIt 0.2.15 | 编辑的基础链接
485 # url = "/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name" # base on `params.gitRepo`
486 # url = "https://github.com/user-name/repo-name/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name" # full url
487 url = ""
488 # FixIt 0.2.0 | Mapbox GL JS 配置 (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js)
489 [params.page.mapbox]
490 # Mapbox GL JS 的 access token
491 accessToken = ""
492 # 浅色主题的地图样式
493 lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
494 # 深色主题的地图样式
495 darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9"
496 # 是否添加 NavigationControl
497 navigation = true
498 # 是否添加 GeolocateControl
499 geolocate = true
500 # 是否添加 ScaleControl
501 scale = true
502 # 是否添加 FullscreenControl
503 fullscreen = true
504 # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW 赞赏设置
505 [params.page.reward]
506 enable = false
507 animation = false
508 # 相对于页脚的位置,可选值:["before", "after"]
509 position = "after"
510 # comment = "Buy me a coffee"
511 # 二维码图片展示模式,可选值:["static", "fixed"],默认:`static`
512 mode = "static"
513 [params.page.reward.ways]
514 # wechatpay = "/images/wechatpay.png"
515 # alipay = "/images/alipay.png"
516 # paypal = "/images/paypal.png"
517 # bitcoin = "/images/bitcoin.png"
518 # 文章页面的分享信息设置
519 [params.page.share]
520 enable = true
521 Twitter = true
522 Facebook = true
523 Linkedin = false
524 Whatsapp = true
525 Pinterest = false
526 Tumblr = false
527 HackerNews = false
528 Reddit = false
529 VK = false
530 Buffer = false
531 Xing = false
532 Line = true
533 Instapaper = false
534 Pocket = false
535 Flipboard = false
536 Weibo = true
537 Myspace = true
538 Blogger = true
539 Baidu = false
540 Odnoklassniki = false
541 Evernote = true
542 Skype = false
543 Trello = false
544 Mix = false
545 # 评论系统设置
546 [params.page.comment]
547 enable = true
548 # FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Artalk comment config (https://artalk.js.org/)
549 [params.page.comment.artalk]
550 enable = false
551 server = "https://yourdomain"
552 site = "默认站点"
553 placeholder = ""
554 noComment = ""
555 sendBtn = ""
556 editorTravel = true
557 flatMode = "auto"
558 # FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED enable lightgallery support
559 lightgallery = false
560 locale = "" # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
561 # FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW
562 emoticons = ""
563 nestMax = 2
564 nestSort = "DATE_ASC" # ["DATE_ASC", "DATE_DESC", "VOTE_UP_DESC"]
565 vote = true
566 voteDown = false
567 uaBadge = true
568 listSort = true
569 imgUpload = true
570 preview = true
571 versionCheck = true
572 # FixIt 0.1.1 | NEW Disqus comment config (https://disqus.com)
573 [params.page.comment.disqus]
574 enable = false
575 # Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
576 shortname = ""
577 # FixIt 0.1.1 | NEW Gitalk comment config (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
578 [params.page.comment.gitalk]
579 enable = false
580 owner = ""
581 repo = ""
582 clientId = ""
583 clientSecret = ""
584 # Valine comment config (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
585 [params.page.comment.valine]
586 enable = false
587 appId = ""
588 appKey = ""
589 placeholder = ""
590 avatar = "mp"
591 meta = ""
592 requiredFields = ""
593 pageSize = 10
594 lang = ""
595 visitor = true
596 recordIP = true
597 highlight = true
598 enableQQ = false
599 serverURLs = ""
600 # FixIt 0.2.6 | NEW emoji data file name, default is "google.yml"
601 # ["apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml"]
602 # located in "themes/FixIt/assets/lib/valine/emoji/" directory
603 # you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
604 # "assets/lib/valine/emoji/"
605 emoji = ""
606 commentCount = true # FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW
607 # FixIt 0.2.16 | CHANGED Waline comment config (https://waline.js.org)
608 [params.page.comment.waline]
609 enable = false
610 serverURL = ""
611 pageview = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
612 emoji = ["//unpkg.com/@waline/emojis@1.1.0/weibo"]
613 meta = ["nick", "mail", "link"]
614 requiredMeta = []
615 login = "enable"
616 wordLimit = 0
617 pageSize = 10
618 imageUploader = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
619 highlighter = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
620 comment = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
621 texRenderer = false # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
622 search = false # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
623 recaptchaV3Key = "" # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
624 reaction = false # FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW
625 # Facebook comment config (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments)
626 [params.page.comment.facebook]
627 enable = false
628 width = "100%"
629 numPosts = 10
630 appId = ""
631 languageCode = ""
632 # FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Telegram comments config (https://comments.app)
633 [params.page.comment.telegram]
634 enable = false
635 siteID = ""
636 limit = 5
637 height = ""
638 color = ""
639 colorful = true
640 dislikes = false
641 outlined = false
642 # FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Commento comment config (https://commento.io)
643 [params.page.comment.commento]
644 enable = false
645 # FixIt 0.2.5 | NEW Utterances comment config (https://utteranc.es)
646 [params.page.comment.utterances]
647 enable = false
648 # owner/repo
649 repo = ""
650 issueTerm = "pathname"
651 label = ""
652 lightTheme = "github-light"
653 darkTheme = "github-dark"
654 # FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Twikoo comment config (https://twikoo.js.org/)
655 [params.page.comment.twikoo]
656 enable = false
657 envId = ""
658 region = ""
659 path = ""
660 visitor = true
661 commentCount = true
662 # FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED enable lightgallery support
663 lightgallery = false
664 # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW enable Katex support
665 katex = false
666 # Giscus 评论系统设置
667 [params.page.comment.giscus]
668 enable = true
669 repo = ""
670 repoId = ""
671 category = ""
672 categoryId = ""
673 mapping = "pathname"
674 strict = "0" #
675 term = ""
676 reactionsEnabled = "1"
677 emitMetadata = "0"
678 inputPosition = "top" # ["top", "bottom"]
679 lightTheme = "light"
680 darkTheme = "dark"
681 lazyLoad = true
682 # 第三方库配置
683 [params.page.library]
684 [params.page.library.css]
685 # someCSS = "some.css"
686 # 位于 "assets/"
687 # 或者
688 # someCSS = "https://cdn.example.com/some.css"
689 [params.page.library.js]
690 # someJavascript = "some.js"
691 # 位于 "assets/"
692 # 或者
693 # someJavascript = "https://cdn.example.com/some.js"
694 # 页面 SEO 配置
695 [params.page.seo]
696 # 图片 URL
697 images = ["/favicon.ico"]
698 # 出版者信息
699 [params.page.seo.publisher]
700 name = "云吱"
701 logoUrl = "/logo.png"
703 # TypeIt 配置
704 [params.typeit]
705 # 每一步的打字速度(单位是毫秒)
706 speed = 100
707 # 光标的闪烁速度(单位是毫秒)
708 cursorSpeed = 1000
709 # 光标的字符(支持 HTML 格式)
710 cursorChar = "|"
711 # 打字结束之后光标的持续时间(单位是毫秒,"-1" 代表无限大)
712 duration = -1
713 # 打字完成后是否会连续循环
714 loop = false
716 # Mermaid 配置
717 [params.mermaid]
718 # 取值详见 https://mermaid.js.org/config/theming.html#available-themes
719 themes = ["default", "dark"]
721 # 盘古之白配置
722 [params.pangu]
723 # 适用于中文写作用户
724 enable = true
725 selector = "article" #
727 # 水印配置
728 # 详细参数见 https://github.com/Lruihao/watermark#readme
729 [params.watermark]
730 enable = false
731 # 水印内容(允许 HTML 格式)
732 content = ""
733 # 水印透明度
734 opacity = 0.1
735 # 水印父节点
736 appendTo = ".wrapper>main"
737 # 单水印宽度 单位:px
738 width = 150
739 # 单水印高度 单位:px
740 height = 20
741 # 水印行间距 单位:px
742 rowSpacing = 60
743 # 水印列间距 单位:px
744 colSpacing = 30
745 # 水印旋转角度 单位:deg
746 rotate = 15
747 # 水印字体大小,单位:rem
748 fontSize = 0.85
749 # 水印字体
750 fontFamily = "inherit"
752 # 不蒜子统计
753 [params.ibruce]
754 enable = true
755 # 在文章中开启
756 enablePost = true
758 # 网站验证代码,用于 Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu/360/Sogou
759 [params.verification]
760 google = ""
761 bing = ""
762 yandex = ""
763 pinterest = ""
764 baidu = ""
765 so = ""
766 sogou = ""
768 # FixIt 0.2.10 | 网站 SEO 配置
769 [params.seo]
770 # 图片 URL
771 image = "/favicon.ico"
772 # 缩略图 URL
773 thumbnailUrl = "favicon-32x32.png"
775 # FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW 网站分析配置
776 [params.analytics]
777 enable = true
778 # Google Analytics
779 [params.analytics.google]
780 id = ""
781 # 是否匿名化用户 IP
782 anonymizeIP = true
783 # Fathom Analytics
784 [params.analytics.fathom]
785 id = ""
786 # 自行托管追踪器时的主机路径
787 server = ""
789 # FixIt 0.2.7 | NEW Cookie 许可配置
790 [params.cookieconsent]
791 enable = false
792 # 用于 Cookie 许可横幅的文本字符串
793 [params.cookieconsent.content]
794 message = ""
795 dismiss = ""
796 link = ""
798 # FixIt 0.2.7 | 第三方库文件的 CDN 设置
799 [params.cdn]
800 # CDN 数据文件名称,默认不启用 ["jsdelivr.yml", "unpkg.yml", ...]
801 # 位于 "themes/FixIt/assets/data/cdn/" 目录
802 # 可以在你的项目下相同路径存放你自己的数据文件:"assets/data/cdn/"
803 # data = "unpkg.yml"
805 # FixIt 0.2.8 | NEW 兼容性设置
806 [params.compatibility]
807 # 是否使用 Polyfill.io 来兼容旧式浏览器
808 polyfill = false
809 # 是否使用 object-fit-images 来兼容旧式浏览器
810 objectFit = false
812 # FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW 在左上角或者右上角显示 GitHub 开源链接
813 [params.githubCorner]
814 enable = false
815 permalink = "https://github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt"
816 title = "在 GitHub 上查看源代码"
817 position = "right" # ["left", "right"]
819 # FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW Gravatar 设置
820 [params.gravatar]
821 # 取决于作者邮箱,作者邮箱未设置则使用本地头像
822 enable = true
823 # Gravatar 主机,默认:“www.gravatar.com”
824 host = "cn.gravatar.com" # ["cn.gravatar.com", "gravatar.loli.net", ...]
825 style = "identicon" # ["", "mp", "identicon", "monsterid", "wavatar", "retro", "blank", "robohash"]
827 # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW 返回顶部
828 [params.backToTop]
829 enable = true
830 # 在 b2t 按钮中显示滚动百分比
831 scrollpercent = true
833 # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW 阅读进度条
834 [params.readingProgress]
835 enable = true
836 # 可用值:["left", "right"]
837 start = "left"
838 # 可用值:["top", "bottom"]
839 position = "top"
840 reversed = false
841 light = ""
842 dark = ""
843 height = "2px"
845 # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW 页面加载期间顶部的进度条
846 # 有关详细信息:https://github.com/CodeByZach/pace
847 [params.pace]
848 enable = false
849 # 所有可用颜色:
850 # ["black", "blue", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "white", "yellow"]
851 color = "blue"
852 # 所有可用主题:
853 # ["barber-shop", "big-counter", "bounce", "center-atom", "center-circle", "center-radar", "center-simple",
854 # "corner-indicator", "fill-left", "flash", "flat-top", "loading-bar", "mac-osx", "material", "minimal"]
855 theme = "minimal"
857 # FixIt 0.2.18-lts.3 | [试验性功能] 缓存图床图片到本地,详见:https://github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt/pull/362
858 [params.cacheRemoteImages]
859 enable = false
860 # 用本地图片链接替换远程图片链接
861 replace = false
863 # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW 定义自定义文件路径
864 # 在站点目录 `layouts/partials/custom` 中创建您的自定义文件,并取消注释下面需要的文件
865 [params.customFilePath]
866 # aside = "custom/aside.html"
867 # profile = "custom/profile.html"
868 # footer = "custom/footer.html"
870 # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW 开发者选项
871 [params.dev]
872 enable = false
873 # 检查更新
874 c4u = false
875 # 请勿公开展示!
876 githubToken = ""
877 # 移动端开发者工具配置
878 [params.dev.mDevtools]
879 enable = false
880 # 支持 "vConsole", "eruda"
881 type = "vConsole"
883# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
884# Modules Configuration
885# See: https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/configuration/#module-config-imports
886# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
889 [module.hugoVersion]
890 extended = true
891 min = "0.110.0"
893# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
894# Markup related configuration in Hugo
895# See: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup/
896# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
898# Hugo 解析文档的配置
900 # 语法高亮设置 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting)
901 [markup.highlight]
902 ################## 必要的配置 ##################
903 # https://github.com/hugo-fixit/FixIt/issues/43
904 codeFences = true
905 lineNos = true
906 lineNumbersInTable = true
907 noClasses = false
908 ################## 必要的配置 ##################
909 guessSyntax = true
910 # Goldmark 是 Hugo 0.60 以来的默认 Markdown 解析库
911 [markup.goldmark]
912 [markup.goldmark.extensions]
913 definitionList = true
914 footnote = true
915 linkify = true
916 strikethrough = true
917 table = true
918 taskList = true
919 typographer = true
920 [markup.goldmark.renderer]
921 # 是否在文档中直接使用 HTML 标签
922 unsafe = true
923 # Table Of Contents settings
924 [markup.tableOfContents]
925 startLevel = 2
926 # endLevel = 4
928# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
929# Sitemap Configuration
930# See: https://gohugo.io/templates/sitemap-template/#configuration
931# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
933# 网站地图配置
935 changefreq = "daily"
936 filename = "sitemap.xml"
937 priority = 0.5
939# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
940# Permalinks Configuration
941# See: https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks
942# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
944# Permalinks 配置 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls#permalinks)
946 # posts = ":year/:month/:filename"
947 posts = "/posts/:slug"
949# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
950# Privacy Configuration
951# See: https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/
952# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
953# 隐私信息配置 (https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/)
955 [privacy.twitter]
956 enableDNT = true
957 [privacy.youtube]
958 privacyEnhanced = true
960# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
961# Media Types
962# See: https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats/#media-types
963# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
966 # 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
967 [mediaTypes."text/markdown"]
968 suffixes = ["md"]
969 # 用于输出 txt 格式文档的设置
970 [mediaTypes."text/plain"]
971 suffixes = ["txt"]
973# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
974# Output Format Definitions
975# See: https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats/#output-format-definitions
976# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
979 # 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
980 [outputFormats.MarkDown]
981 mediaType = "text/markdown"
982 isPlainText = true
983 isHTML = false
984 # 用于输出 baidu_urls.txt 文件的设置
985 [outputFormats.BaiduUrls]
986 baseName = "baidu_urls"
987 mediaType = "text/plain"
988 isPlainText = true
989 isHTML = false
991# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
992# Customizing Output Formats
993# See: https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats/#customizing-output-formats
994# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
995# 用于 Hugo 输出文档的设置
997 home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON", "BaiduUrls"]
998 page = ["HTML"]
999 section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
1000 taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
1001 taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]
1003# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1004# Taxonomies Configuration
1005# See: https://gohugo.io/content-management/taxonomies/#configure-taxonomies
1006# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1009 # series = "series"
1010 category = "categories"
1011 tag = "tags"
1012 collections = "collections"
2.3 修改文章前缀模板
在每篇 markdown 文章最前面可以用一部分注释来告诉主题
2.4 创建你的第一篇文章
1hugo new posts/文章标题.md
目录下应该可以看到新文件,同时里面已经有 markdown 模版中的文章前缀参数。
2.5 本地调试
1hugo serve -D --disableFastRender
3.1 创建SSH密钥并添加
3.2 生成 SSH 密钥
使用 Git Bash 或命令行打开终端窗口,输入以下命令。记得把your_email@example.com
1ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"
接下来,系统将生成一个随机字符串作为密钥密码。此处可以选用默认密码以便于不需要输入密码进行 SSH 登录。进入生成密钥的文件夹,查看密钥:
登录到 GitHub 账户,并转到“Settings”(设置)中的“SSH and GPG keys”(SSH 和 GPG 密钥)页面。
点击“New SSH key”(新建 SSH 密钥),填写标题和密钥的内容。
公钥文件 (即你在生成的时候保存的文件) ,将其内容复制到 GitHub 的 “Key” 字段中。 -
最后,点击“Add SSH key” (添加 SSH 密钥),完成密钥添加。
3.4 创建 blog 仓库
在 GitHub 网站上登录你的账号,然后点击页面右上角的加号图标,选择 “New repository”(新建仓库)。
在 “Initialize this repository with”(使用以下方式初始化仓库)部分,选择 “Add a README file”(添加一个 README 文件)选项。
1git add . 2git commit -m "init blog files"
点击 “Create repository”(创建仓库)按钮,完成 GitHub 仓库的创建。
将本地仓库与远程 GitHub 仓库关联起来。在项目目录中打开 Git Bash,执行以下命令,将
替换为你的 GitHub 仓库的远程 URL:1git remote add origin <remote-url>
1git remote add origin https://github.com/your-username/your-repository.git
将本地代码推送到远程仓库的 main 分支。执行以下命令:
1git push -u origin main
这将把本地的代码推送到远程仓库的 main
3.5 创建Github Pages公开仓库
Repository name
。选择“使用 README 初始化此存储库”。
3.6 上传页面
执行后,站点根目录下会生成一个 public
文件夹,该文件下的内容即 Hugo 生成的整个静态网站。每次更新内容后,将 pubilc
目录里所有文件 push 到 GitHub Pages 所在的仓库即可。
1cd public
2git init
3git remote add origin https://github.com/leegical/leegical.github.io.git # 将本地目录链接到远程服务器的代码仓库
4git add .
5git commit -m "[介绍,随便写点什么,比如日期]"
6git push -u origin master
进入 Github Pages 仓库的Setting
,点击 save。
来访问博客站点了,和hugo serve -D
3.5 Github Action 自动发布
- 发布步骤还是比较繁琐,本地调试后还需要切换到
目录进行上传 - 无法对博客
源文件进行备份与版本管理 可以通过官方提供的 GitHub Action 进行 CI 自动发布。
回到 blog 仓库的本地文件夹,新增.github/workflows/deploy.yml
1mkdir .github
2mkdir .github/workflows
3touch .github/workflows/deploy.yml
用 vscode 编辑 deploy.yml 的内容,参考如下:
要修改为 Github Pages 的链接
提交变更到 Github:
1git add .
2git commit -m "add action config"
3git push
进入 Github tokens ,点击Generate new token
——Generate new token (classic)
注意生成的 token 只会显示这一次,形如 ghp_xxxxxxxxxx
,点击复制。 回到 blog 仓库——Setting,新建仓库密钥
4 自定义博客域名
4.1 Cloudflare 配置
4.2 hugo 配置
提交到 Github 仓库
2git add .
3git commit -m "Create CNAME"
4git push
4.3 Github Pages 仓库配置
为自定义域名启用 SSL 证书。 Settings——Pages——Custom domain,勾选 Enforce HTTPS。
5 总结
1hugo new posts/文章名.md
编辑文章内容或修改,包括修改主题之类的。在本地进行调试:1hugo serve -D --disableFastRender
修改完成,确定要上传到 GitHub 上后,站点目录下执行:
1git add .
2git commit -m "随便写点提交信息"
3git push
稍等片刻,github action 执行完毕,页面就会更新了。